The cloudLibrary by bibliotheca application is an innovative way to browse, borrow and read popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks from your local public library. You will need a valid library card to use the application. If you do not have access to a library card, please inquire at your local library as to how to get one. Your library credentials will give you access to the thousands of titles available to you as a member of your local library. The cloudLibrary application is part of a full suite of services purposed for you to enjoy books from your public library. If your local library does not yet have the cloudLibrary please ask them about getting a subscription for your community.

Apple Mac OS X Installation The cloudLibrary by bibliotheca application is an innovative way to browse, borrow and read popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks from your local public library. You will need a valid library card to use the application. Computers & Technology. ​Wake County Public Libraries provides PCs running Windows 7 for public use in all library locations. These PCs can be used to access the Internet, Microsoft Office, electronic research resources, and a selection of other basic utility programs. PCs are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The application has the ability to transfer content to a personal e-reader using either an existing Adobe ID or using the cloudLibrary ID.

  • Nook (original)
  • Nook Touch
  • Nook Glowlight
  • Nook Color
  • Nook HD+ please click here for special instructions
  • Nook HD please click here for special instructions
  • Nook GlowLight Plus please click here for special instructions
  • Nook GlowLight 3
  • Kobo

Note: Please use Safari as your web browser for this page in order to download the app correctly. FireFox will not download the app.

Find Photo Library On Mac

The cloudLibrary by bibliotheca application is an innovative way to browse, borrow and read popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks from your local public library. You will need a valid library card to use the application. If you do not have access to a library card, please inquire at your local library as to how to get one. Your library credentials will give you access to the thousands of titles available to you as a member of your local library. The cloudLibrary application is part of a full suite of services purposed for you to enjoy books from your public library. If your local library does not yet have the cloudLibrary please ask them about getting a subscription for your community.

Best Buy Mac Computer

The application has the ability to transfer content to a personal e-reader using either an existing Adobe ID or using the cloudLibrary ID.

  • Nook (original)
  • Nook Touch
  • Nook Glowlight
  • Nook Color
  • Nook HD+ please click here for special instructions
  • Nook HD please click here for special instructions
  • Nook GlowLight Plus please click here for special instructions
  • Nook GlowLight 3
  • Kobo

Computer Library Folder


Public Library Mac Computer Download

Note: Please use Safari as your web browser for this page in order to download the app correctly. FireFox will not download the app.