Note: AFP is the native protocol that offers file services for Mac OSX. On your Mac, go to the top and click “Go” and then “Connect to Server”. After hitting “Connect” you will have to enter your login credentials. Enter your NAS username, default admin and password is whatever you’ve set. Dec 29, 2016 Using Plex on your home network 1. Make sure the Mac with your Plex library is turned on and the Plex server app is open. Look for the chevron icon in the status bar to confirm. Access your Plex Server via a browser window by navigating to That’s the internal IP address.
Extract the PlexConnect archive you [downloaded earlier] ( We recommend extracting the folder, then dragging the extracted folder to 'Applications'.
Generate the SSL Certificates by following the [Mac Certificate Guide] (
Run PlexConnect by first opening a terminal window (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal), then type the following:
Provide your Administrator password to complete PlexConnect startup.
You should now see messages like these in the terminal window:Write down the IP_Self: ###.###.###.### address as you will need it for the next step.
You can now minimize the Terminal window.
To shut PlexConnect down cleanly use CTRL-C (do not just close the Terminal window).
For manual configuration and advanced features see the [Advanced Settings page.] (
This guide assumes you copied the PlexConnect-master folder to the /Applications folder when you installed PlexConnect. Any other directory is just as fine...
On OSX you can run PlexConnect as a daemon, which will automatically start on boot and run as a background process.
Provide your Administrator password to complete PlexConnect startup.A PlexConnect plist will be installed to /Library/LaunchDaemons (for the forthcoming boots) and the PlexConnect daemon will be started.
Again, this assumes you copied the PlexConnect-master folder to the /Applications...
####Additional Commands
sudo ./uninstall.bash
will shut down the daemon and uninstall it - (removes the plist).sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist
will unload or stop the service for this boot.sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist
will restart the process.sudo launchctl list | grep plexconnect
indicates whether the process is running (first number, PID) or the return value (error, second number).I had a good experience following this manual by Wolf Paulus: [Installing / Updating Python on OSX] ( (steps 1 to 5)
Plus an additional step to allow the OSX firewall rule to stick: code sign - otherwise you might be asked over and over for permission to accept incoming calls. (Source: [Stackoverflow / OSX firewall to permanently remember Python] (
Also, for all the scripts located in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin
(like easy_install
, pip
, ...) change the Magic Line to link to your moved python framework: just adding the leading /System
This helps those tools to correctly identify and call the new python interpreter.
[Return to Install Guide] (